Today I am grateful for the energy I had to do an extra 10 min on my stationary bike yesterday. Today I stepped on the scale 201.5. I need to add I am grateful to my brother Zalmy and his wife Rochii, and sister Esther F and her husband Eli, for giving birth to beautiful little boys. When I stop for a moment and think of the joy they are experiencing as first time parents I break out into a smile!!! Can't wait to meet the little dudes!
1 cup of cheerios
1/4 cup fiber one
1 banana
1 cup skim milk
2 cups of perfectly delightful coffee with skim milk
Ill be studying in starbucks for two hours so I'll have a coffee
Ill bring with me a mozzarella cheese stick and a fruit
sauted veggies
1 egg
3 egg whites
tsp olive oil
veg soup
glass of wine
turkey soup (same as chicken soup)
steamed veggies
I hope to get on the bike for at least 20 min today as well...Ill keep you posted!
Over yom tov my strategy is to skip Challah (i have no self control with it), eat lots of veggies and low fat proteins. Have fruit for dessert when needed and enjoy a glass a wine with my night meals!
It's so hard over yom tov! I ate so much over R"H.