Sunday, October 28, 2012

Its a marathon not a sprint....either way it implys an ending!

So I try to imagine a time where I wasnt concerned about my weight...hmmmm NEVER! Which puts me in a bad situation...I cant imagine a time where I wont be concerned with my weight. ARGH
A friend once told me losing weight is a marathon not a sprint...well firstly I am WAY better at sprinting and secondly both imply an ending...I dont see one...brrr

Onto actuality...this weekend I got a book in the mail that I have been meaning to read...'The Mayo Clinic Diet' obviously I sat down and read right through it. For all those who have heard me speak about weight loss, health or anything related, I tend to quote the mayo clinic a lot.
The book is quite different then any other diet book I have read. firstly its about breaking bad habits and forming good ones as opposed to focusing on what you should and should not be eating. Of course there is the part about what to eat...and even that is different, its focus is on fruits and veggies, eating whole grain carbs and just a little bit of lean protein. I have mixed feelings about this diet but I feel like I may give it a shot. I need another day or two to think about it but I will keep you guys posted!
If any of you have tried this before let me know!
Hope everyone is safe and snug with this freak storm coming...
Have a fabulous week!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This journey has no end

I have been off sugar for a little more then a week (mostly) but, I'm still scared to hit the scale. The sugar is motivating because it gives me awful headaches so its simply not worth it (mostly.) The rest of my diet has been just eating healthy and juicing instead of snacking when my kids come home from school. Today I made a tangerine, ginger, celery, kale, apple combo and I've been drinking it out of a martini glass which makes it wayyyy more fun!!! I havnt gotten back into my exercise routine all I have been doing is my beloved basketball twice a week and some yoga on my own here and there to keep me calm :( it's time to get cracking at the exercise....I love love love it... So why don't I just do it?!?! Anyhoots hope everyone is doing great and I hope to be back to blogging, exercising and of course dieting !
note:I just did 1/2 hour of workout from youtube including pilates, crunches and weights

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Already feeling better!

Two days into my better eating and I'm already feeling it! I won't lie and say I've been perfect but I won't lie and say I wasn't! I've juiced both days instead of cleaning my kids plates into my mouth. I have eaten 3 healthy good meals each day and eat way less snacks then what I've been doing. I'm heading in the right direction. Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My spare tire and more

Some how my friends and I got to joking about our spare tires around our waists last night. I came home chuckling..but it got me thinking...
I have 2 more days of holidays...and then nothing for a about 2 months.
Time to get back into healthy eating. I haven't stepped on a scale on way to long but I know it will NOT be nice. I am sick of my tire, I am sick of feeling heavy and weighted down, I am sick of feeling so damn fat!!! So I need a plan and I think I have it.
Starting October 10 2012 I will cut out flour and sugar-this measure is more to keep off the headaches then anything else but I know its good for me as well.
I will get back to my vinyasa yoga 2x a week, basketball 2x a week and when I can gym 2x a week.
I will juice for breakfast and take one to go. I will bring my salad with protein for lunch and pack healthy snacks.
Starting the end of October ill be in the hospital 645-345 2x a week and I know if I dont pack lunch ill end up eating vending machine food.
One more thing I plan to restart and thats my weight loss support group..I found it so helpful!
Now I need to get back to my cooking...sauteed spinach, onion kische, chicken cutlets wrapped around coldcuts, coffee cake, hummus, babaganush, carrot salad, brocalli salad, fresh salad....and a bunch of other things I am sure I forgot :)