Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not a food thought...

I have a friend in school who comes from India, her name is Niru. She lives past the waterfront so I often give her a ride. We have the most wonderful conversations. Today we were talking about religion. Well let me start from the top...Im in a program with 48 others in my graduating class. Out of 49 students only 2 are black, 1 Asian, 1 Indian (from india not native American) I should say visibly because I dont know their heritage just going by looks. As far as I know I am the only Jew.
Niru, felt she is the only one who isnt religiously affiliated. I told her in America people consider themselves christian but are not necessarily practicing.  She appreciated that...then we got into the discussion about faith which brought out good thoughts...why do we need to hold ourselves to one belief?!?! Im not saying I believe in Judaism and in Christianity...but when it comes to beliefs...I thought...I believe in God...Im Jewish, I am a practicing, orthodox Jew...but I believe in Karma, I believe in people....We can believe that the good we do comes back to us, that the evil we do comes back as well...even if we believe that God controls what happens in the world....
Then... Niru quoted one of our nursing professors, who is a christian (possibly Catholic) saying women were only created for the purpose of procreation. Both of us STRONGLY disagree. If this were so barren women, single women, women who chose not to have children, lesbian women...would not have a purpose...hmph. It bothered us both that in 2012 in a world were we have to be so careful with our lingo so careful with our PCness that a professor would say something like that...but we concluded she's entitled to her opinion but we strongly disagree. 
I know this is alot...I know its way to philosophical to just jot down like this...but I figured..why not?!?! maybe I could get some feedback...but please no bickering just thoughts and ideas even if they aren't the same as mine even if they contradict mine...just be tactful I dont want this discussion to turn sour...

Over and out!

Monday, March 19, 2012


So as many of u know sugar gives us energy. The question is what type is the right type and is the quick fix the way to go, or should I be going for protein which will give me less energy but last longer and be better for me?!? I think I know the answer.... But after 11 hrs of studying/schooling and still having loads to read I want sugar.....ahhhhh I'll go make a cup of tea and munch on an apple. Back to reading and studying...

Friday, March 16, 2012

On my journey

How's my eating and weight going a few of u asked...it's going but not in the direction I hoped. 2 b fair I haven't gained more then I did with the move but I was hoping to lose. Today I took a step in the right direction I used the campus gym!!! It's nice, small but nice I had fun! Now I gotta figure my food out better. I pack food but not enough so I end up snacking on crap. I gotta go to class but I wanted to give y'all an update! Have a great shabbos!!

Monday, March 5, 2012


In order to avoid studying MicroBiology, I decided to blog..... or yent...lol.
Yesterday, my husband sat for hours making transformer costumes out of cardboard boxes for my boys. They look amazing...they are amazing...the kids are thrilled and Im simply amazed...I am not artistic, so it fascinates me that someone could do that! I sure am glad that someone is my hubby!!!! I started my kids off packing the Shalach Manos and then had to run out...when I came back...they were done!!! I can't get over it! My Shmulik finished the Shalach Manos!!!! It's times like this that I wonder where time has gone...he was just born...ahhhh. So, back to the MicroBiology...if I want time to pass I better continue on my journey of Krebs cycles, covalent bonds and fermentation....
Have A Great Day!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


So I started school wow it's a ton of work...but to be honest I knew this signing up. I guess I just didnt realize to what extent! I need to keep my eyes on the prize! Dec20, 2013 is my graduation day that's def not to far away!!! So just like everything when I started school I wanted it to be a good healthy experience so I'm being careful to pack food and now I just need to figure out how to also workout!!! Any hoots I'm off to a good start! I am so grateful for my awesome mother in law who helped us get a house, my amazing friends and family who have been so supportive and encouraging and my friends who are helping me with mornings I can't thank you enough!!! Every time I start doubting myself something happens to remind me I'm doing the right thing!! I'm blessed!!! And I'm super appreciative!!! Have a great Shabbat/weekend my friends