Sunday, May 26, 2013

Week and 3 days

It's been a week and 3 days without sugar and I gotta say its not easy! I did have 1 cookie twice this week but that's an accomplishment of its own (usually I have 3 or 4) 
I need to get more creative with my cooking! Prepare food I'm excited to eat! 
My latest is watermelon with feta cheese and spearmint- it's so damn weird it's yummy!
Any hoots I'd love tips from my lovely friends!!!
Since I've started this I have gotten out to run/brisk walk 3x as well (in addition to basketball)  I'm starting to feel old cuz my feet hurt so bad! I think it's that time in my life to either visit a pediatrist and get some inserts or go to a running store to get really fitted for sneakers! Any thoughts my friends? 
Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sugar free journey

Day 2 and going strong. Friday was great I stayed away from sugar, had a juice of kale and citrus and went for a jog/run/brisk walk. Today went well as well... Even took a nice walk (to visit with my sis!! Added bonus) I find eating protein helps with cravings but I know time will truly fix it all! All tips are appreciated! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

30 for 30

So I decided to push off my 30th birthday to next year. No its not a vanity thing...ok ok maybe a little...
You see, its just not convenient this year because of my crazy schedule.
An extra year gives me plenty of time to get some things accomplished. 30 things...I am sure I can add to the list...but I will leave it at 30 for now...
I figure I will shoot for the stars and if I miss at least I will be in the sky!
These are not listed in the order of importance or significance...

1. Lose 30lbs...or at least make some good headway with my weight.
2. Work out 3x a week for 10 weeks straight
3. Go 30 days without sugar
4. Run 1k without turning it into a brisk walk or jog
5. Swim laps whenever I can
6. Drink more water then coffee or diet soda
7. Make my own pickles
8. Take a vacation with my hubby
9. Take a vacation with my hubby and kids
10. Visit my parents
11. Visit my siblings
12. Graduate Nursing school
13. Pass my nclex
14 Get a job as a nurse
15 Put up the rest of the pictures around the house
16 paint my bedroom
17 paint rachelle (my daughters) room
18 paint the kitchen
19 organize the basement
20 get rid of the piles in the living room
21 Spend special time with each of my children individually
22 Go on a nice long bike ride
23 Go to hot yoga once a week
24 hang out with friends
25 Visit grandparents in Arizona
26 Visit step grandmother in Manhattan
27 Visit with my closest friends
28 Call people!!
I have so much to be grateful for! Today is my 29th birthday (hebrew) for the
2nd time and I am peaking into my life and all I can think of is damn I am lucky!! I have an amazing family, supportive, loving, kind, generous, understanding I am married to a superhero, my kids are insanely fabulous, I have so many incredible friends, I have a healthy body a quasi healthy mind I can go on and on I am just so grateful for all I have.
They say on your birthday you have the power to bless so I want to take this opportunity to bless you all with happiness, health, wealth and just the most open and revealed good!