Monday, August 20, 2012

Some requested!

       I hear from my readers a lot that what they like most about my blog is the honesty. So here is a super honest day...ready?!?!?!

       I woke up at 5am, ground, brewed and drank a LARGE cup of coffee with skim milk. About half way thru I decided its time to step on that damn I did...and much to my surprise and delight I was now my weight is 197.4...argh...I have such mixed feelings about that number...yes its below that big 2 number but oooo its still to high for me, to be exact its 32.4lbs to high for me. So I decided I need a goal...but not the 10lb type not even the 5lb type...something teeny tiny, something attainable; my goal is 195 by Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year-which comes out at the end of September this year.)

     Sunday night I made myself green grapes and blueberries to drink in the morn. It was too sweet so I diluted it with about 40% water 60% juice. It was delicious and refreshing. I went to class, took my quiz, handed in my homework, sat through some lecture and mainly looked at slides. I then went to sit down and study. OOOOOO it was sooo beautiful outside, I was so relaxed with my 2nd coffee of the day...but argh I ate some chocolate. Not terrible if I simply stopped there. For lunch I had a yogurt...not a bad choice...but to little to hold me over. At around 3pm I got home and was so hungry...booo I ate a bunch of cookies...mindlessly :( thats the worse type of eating!

      So while I made meat lasagna for dinner I juiced some carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley, zuchinni and an orange. Okay...were being honest looked like poo, and tasted just a bit better then that. I drank it anyways (it was tolerable over ice.) I did this to avoid eating the lasagna. I planned to have some meat sauce over brown rice but while juicing watermelon for my kids I decided to just juice some more for dinner for myself. I not only juiced watermelon for myself I juiced the red, white and green!!! It is amazing! I love it! Its so refreshing it tastes like a treat!!! A friend of mine once posted that she juiced the whole watermelon with the rind...I couldn't imagine...but heck I never thought cucumbers would make good juice either!

      I am off to study again with my juice. I look forward to hearing form you guys, and I thank you so so much for all your advice and support! Your all great friends!

I love how the juice came out as white, green and  red!

 This pic doesnt do it justice the color was gorgeous!
 My pre-dinner juice...looks way better before it was juiced!

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