Monday, May 14, 2012

Weight gain :( happened...I gained weight this week .6lb. I know its not allot but I've been so damn good on my diet its just not fair! :( Instead of feeling sorry for myself I am making sure to MEASURE EVERYTHING! And get more gym time in! This week so far I played basketball sunday night, I did 1 hr on the elliptical and 1 mile on the treadmill (12 1/2 min) and I'm giving a class for 45 min tonight. I plan to go to the gym wed and give a class in the park. Thursday I will play basketball (IYH) and Friday I hope to get to the gym at school. Lets see what the week brings!

Heres some pics of what I have been eating:


  1. looks great:)
    have you tried bean dishes? they're yummy and a great source of protein

    1. Off and on, I havnt really found a great bean dish I love...Id love some recipes to try though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, my !! been there, done that!! LOL But somehow I pulled myself together and started day one upon awaking in the morning. I have had so many 'day ones' ! But, that's good because it means you don't stop trying!
    I have had thyroid disease...under-active. It was discovered after the birth of my son 40 years ago. Losing weight is such a challenge due to this condition. I am tested and take my meds regularly. Make sure that your doctor has taken all the metabolic tests to be sure that your body is functioning properly. That is something that is over looked too often.
    I have been down 20 lbs over the past 11-12 weeks. I am at a plateau in some sense, but it is hard with Mitzvahs and holidaze! I am not good about staying strict on my diet when it comes to such events. But, at least I am steady for now.
    So, let's hope we both make some progress soon.
    All the best to you and your family!

    1. Thank you for your always inspiring words!!! 20lbs in 11-12 weeks is fabulous! I have done thyroid checks before but who knows if it was done fully!!! With Shavous coming Im not sure what Im going to do....:(
