Friday, May 11, 2012

I love where I live

I am smiling!! Seeing the community coming together time after time to help each other during times of joy and happiness and sadness and loss! Meals, playdates, grocery runs, shoulders to cry on, arms to hold and hug. I've been pleasantly surprised when I hear ppl bringing each soup to someone home with the flu! I keep experiencing an outpouring of support for going back to school whenever I doubt myself I'm reminded by living friends here that I'm doing the right thing! Last night I selfishly left the lag baomer BBQ to go for a run... As I left I turned around and I had tears in my eyes.. All colors shapes sizes, all shuls, school and walks of life! All with one thing in common- Jews celebrating lag baomer with family and friends!!!! I experienced one more heartwarming thing yesterday- hugs and words of condolence that were so sincere to our crossing guard on her loss of her father it was touching to see how much everyone cared!!! I love living in Pittsburgh!! Sry for the ramble!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your rambles!!!

    And I love living here too.

    I'm catching up on your blog and you continue to inspire.

    You're awesome, Na'ami!!

    Love, Leah
