Self control is an amazing thing. Once I saw the results of not eating sugar...its not hard! It took a few days of headaches during the beginning of my not eating sugar-perhaps withdrawal, but since I stopped I havnt had a migraine...a headache yes but a migraine-no,THANK GOD!!!! I am able to eat fruit and carbs but no processed sugar. I am not taking this to an extreme Ill have some bbq sauce or ketchup...but in general I check ingredients before I eat the food-Great thing to do regardless! Its kept me from eating a lot of things!
The amazing thing about this all is it teaches me...more like reinforces the idea of self control. I eat kosher-I never think to eat something thats not kosher, and now I dont eat sugar and it hasnt been that hard to avoid. Im almost up to a month sugarfree...when I am Id like to work on my snacking. I noticed on days when I dont pack a real lunch its been a bad decline...even if I pick up a yogurt and fruit for lunch I end up snacking the rest of the day.
Onto other news....this friday is my last test for this semester!!!! I could use some prayers to pass! Nursing school is a new set of challenges...unlike most things...if you study really hard in nursing school it doesnt mean you will do well...Im learning that. Honestly Im not used to High School I was a lousy student but that was by choice, when I went to college I did well...because I! I try sooo damn hard and at least Im passing but I wish my marks/grades showed my effort.
Im off to clinicals...Its been nice
Have a great day!